Tuesday, October 22, 2019


ADD Attention Deficit Disorder is not a life threatening disorder. It does not put people in hospitals, it does not cause children to have limbs amputated, but it does make learning in a standard environment difficult. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder were once considered "rowdy"  and "rambunctious" , but now it is known that Attention Deficit Disorder is a disease. Children are born with it, and it can make the school environment especially difficult, for the child and for the adult that has to interact with the child. Attention Deficit Disorder is usually detected in early to childhood and fades away during or right after adolescence, but some adults live their entire life with Attention Deficit Disorder-like symptoms.In this paper I will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, organizations dedicated to Attention Deficit Disorder, the Americans with Disabilities Act, statistics, different theories on possible causes for Attention Deficit Disorder, some famous people that have Attention Deficit Disorder and a brief editorial written by a student with Attention Deficit Disorder: myself.English: AdderallSYMPTOMS Attention Deficit Disorder manifests itself in many different behavioral forms, such as but not limited to:  · FAILURE TO PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL IN WORK, PRIMARILY SCHOOL WORK BUT ALSO AT THE WORK PLACE. · LACK OF LISTENING SKILLS. EASILY DISTRACTED WHEN SPOKEN TO DIRECTLY. · POOR ORGANIZATION SKILLS, DIFFICULTIES PLANNING AND SORTING OUT A SCHEDULE. · MISPLACING OF TOOLS OR OTHER THINGS NEEDED TO COMPLETE A TASK, SUCH AS PENCILS, PAPER, OR BOOKS. · FORGETFUL IN EVERY DAY ACTIVITES.DIAGNOSIS Attention Deficit Disorder is diagnosed by a psychiatrist and is always a matter of opinion. Some doctors may think that the child is wild or just likes to misbehave, while other doctors may believe that the child has Attention Deficit Disorder, and needs medication.

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