Monday, August 12, 2019

Learning Statement -this paper is for The Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Essay

Learning Statement -this paper is for The Aboriginal Peoples of Canada class ( First Nation course) - Essay Example Due to the interest that I had in the course and my eagerness to learn more, I always strived to grasp everything that was taught and to also study on my own so that I could be able to grasp everything I could possibly get. This allowed me to appreciate the traditional Canada and the manner it has transformed over the years. I developed a lot of interest in this course, right from the beginning, when the various topics that we were to study were introduced. The main reason as to why I had lots of interest in this course is due to the fact that it is a course that gave me an opportunity to understand Canada and the various historical aspects of the Canadian society. This was made possible through the studying of several topics that are associated to the antiquity of the Canadian society. Some of the topic that were studied in this course that were interesting included study of the original inhabitants of the land, settling of foreigners in Canada, emergence of conflicts among the traditional Canadian societies, the conflicts with the foreigners, mediation that led to the settling of the issues that had been raised and the reemergence of self-governance (Dickason & Newbigging, 2010). This course covered various aspects of the society that included human population issues, social cultural factors in Canada and the economic aspects of the traditional Canadian community and society. This is in addition to looking at the various systems that existed in the traditional Canadian society and the transformation of the society and the systems. The topic that best fascinated me in this class is the topic on the aboriginal healing movement. The major reason why this topic was so much of interest to me is due to the fact that it demonstrated how the conflict that had been experienced in the Canadian community was solved through reconciliation. This in turn transformed conflicts into peace and allowed various communities to live together. Aboriginal healing

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